For you

I’ve been thinking lately, why do I have so many profiles on so many different websites. I’m a different person on each one even though I don’t want to be. In reality I just want to be myself and no other. But I realized I keep these accounts for the people I know.
So here are the people my profiles are dedicated to. They all have a slightly altered version of my true self.

Facebook- for everyone except me
Gmail- for my family and 2 best friends
Tumblr- for hayley
Skype- for close friends and ex bf
Stumble upon- for me
Wordpress- for my heart

Who are your profiles for?

Awakening and School don’t Mix

I dont think people truely realize how school is so insanely stressful. I hate living in that thin top layer of reality where everyone’s always gossiping about each other or cursing about something they hate. They starve their bodies and backstab each other constantly. Personally, I want to go deeper then that.
Sometimes I can’t help but wonder why people never seem to talk about the things they love about other people, or the fun times they had, or the enlightening experiences they witnessed.
I want to be able to discuss spirit with other people. I want to have amazing conversations about life and the ways of the world. I want people to be able to just be themselves without fear of judgement. I want people to be honest. I also want to help them see a bigger picture, or view things from other peoples perspectives. How their words and choices affect others. It makes me so sad that people talk behind each others backs so often and with such ease. It pains me because I love everyone with an unconditional love I didn’t know I could experience and putting someone down is not only degrading for them, but for your own vibration, as well. It hurts even the people you talk to, and no one realizes it. All this negativity is sickening. It pains me and I want to stop it.
Be warned, people out their who seek truth and enlightenment, being awake is like getting up early to watch the sunrise. The sun, this huge mass of pure light is so incredibly beautiful. It comes bursting over the horizon with bright, warm colors streaked across the entire face of the sky and water and you want to show every single person on the planet, share the joy of this wondrous and incredible experience but instead of getting up with you, they get all grumpy and choose to keep sleeping, choose illusion over reality. The world is so beautiful and extraordinary once you wake up but so few people truly understand or even want to hear you. They don’t even know how once you start to pay attention to the little things, the small details of the world, it’s so much easier to be happy because these beautiful little things are all around you. All you need to do is pause for just a moment and observe your surroundings. The earth will speak to you and show you her beauty if you just look for it.